Our Staff

Our store staff is full of knowledge.

Everyone who works in our store is trained in some type of natural healing modality. We have herbalists, aromatherapists, and nutritionists available to work with you and answer your questions when you come in, but you can also book appointments with us when your needs go beyond what we can offer with a simple conversation in our store.


What is an herbalist?

Herbalists are people who dedicate their lives to working with medicinal plants. They include native healers, scientists, naturopaths, holistic medical doctors, researchers, writers, herbal pharmacists, medicine makers, wildcrafters, harvesters and herbal farmers to name a few. While herbalists are quite varied, the common love and respect for life, especially the relationship between plants and humans, unites them. Persons specializing in the therapeutic use of plants may be medical herbalists, traditional herbalists, acupuncturists, midwives, naturopathic physicians, or even one's own grandmother.


Read more about what herbalism is and what an herbal consultation is like here

For information on our nutrition philosophy read here


Our current  Practitioners:

Sarah Josey in the store

Sarah Josey

Owner, Clinical Herbalist & Nutritionist
Leesa Balik

Leesa Balik

Staff Aromatherapist & Store Manager
Brita LaTona in the store

Brita LaTona

Clinical Herbalist
Sheila Gracey  in the store

Sheila Gracey

Clinical Herbalist & Nutritionist
Risa Hunter

Risa Hunter

Staff Herbalist & Yoga Instructor
Genevieve Smith

Genevieve Smith

Staff Herbalist & Yoga Instructor

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